Monday, 7 July 2014


Yes I did and I’m so thankful! First, all honor and praises go to GOD, because all good and perfect gifts are from and through HIM! My life is a testimony and so is yours if you acknowledge it.
Not only did I do it, but I did some more. Yep, every door that I knocked on opened. What I set my mind to came to fruition. Now some of these things have been in my prayers and on my heart for years. Others came to me through my spirit and I trusted and believed what I heard would come to pass, all I had to do was obey the quiet voice I heard inside of me. Remember I told you a couple of weeks ago that I had to still myself, tune out the external so I can hear that soft Spirit that speaks to me, comforts me and guides me.
Let me tell you that when the spirit speaks, be quiet and listen. No one can ever know more than the creator and we are all created with a plan for our use and purpose in this life. I’m so thankful that I understand my purpose so far and wait for the revelation for what’s ahead of me for my future. That’s exciting news! I don’t want or need a psychic, humph, what I got is the essence of all truths. HalleluJAH.
Many years ago, in the eighties to be exact I desired to start my own business. I had no business skills or any idea of what kind of business I wanted to start. The only thing I knew was that I wanted to be self-sufficient. I didn’t have any resources, but I had me. So I decided I would be my business. Yep, me. No I wasn’t I going to sell my body, believe me I’ve done that before and it didn’t work out well at all. What I decided to do was tell my story, the truth about my life; an open door access to my failures and successes. Besides I know that my journey is not just for me, but a benefit to someone else. Sure, sure, everybody’s got a story, but not everyone is willing to tell the world. I’ve swept my closet clean and the skeletons have tumbled out because I opened the door and no one else.
So I’ve done it after twenty or so some odd years of editing, rewriting, fear, rejection and skepticism, I’ve published my first book! Never A Mile From Home (my first book), is a true blessing for me and I hope it blesses you as well.Yay for me, I’m so proud of myself! It’s the first of a series of three books and this first one in the series was the hardest to write I believe. It reveals a very painful past of poor self-esteem, abuse, prostitution and prison. I’m so thankful that my pain is in the past and that it did not carry with me throughout my life. I’m so sorry for those that can’t or don’t know how to release their pain or how to be healed. Even sorrier for those who are content or wallow in their pain. It’s like the old adage of the person sitting on the tack complaining of how bad the tack feels. You’ve got to get off of it, or at least shift positions.  
I shifted my way of thinking and now I'm an owner and not a renter. Uh huh, next I'll fill you in on how I bought my condo with no money down, and no closing fees!
Trust me, you don’t have to stay down unless that’s where you want to be. You can stand! You can stand and help others stand. Don’t be afraid to change directions, what you believe or your situation and never fail to stretch out your hand to pull someone else up!
What are your hands doing?

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