Monday, 25 March 2013

Birth pains and cramps!

Blessed Holy Week to all! Even if you don’t observe or celebrate the significance of this week I want you still to be blessed. Thanks for joining me again!

Easter is a holiday that sneaks up on me; probably because it doesn’t have a fixed date. You know what I mean? Like Christmas, your birthday, the 4th of July and so forth.  It’s such an important Holiday to me and filled with many, many emotions. The 1st thing is such an overwhelming sense of gratitude and awe. Wow, it’s so humbling, what a marvelous thing He did for us.

Something else gets to me too about Easter. What does a bunny have to do with a painted egg and what does any of it have to do with the significance of this Holiday? Oh yeah, don’t forget the Easter Basket, huh, what!? And what about the new clothes, not to forget the Easter Bonnet. Mind you when I was a child I looked forward to these things. Anyway that’s enough of that, let us move on.

Yeah, like I was saying last Monday being here felt like being in a womb; a womb with a window to the world. I now understand why it’s called “Mama Africa”! Yes I know that some people call it that because so she gave birth to mankind, but it’s even more personal for me. I’ve grown and been stretched in so many areas. I’ve been tried, tested and have even felt some rejection, but it was all a part of the maturing in the womb process. I’ve discovered gifts that I’ve possessed all the time, just as a baby discovering its fingers for the 1st time. 

I’m not saying that I didn’t have any fears associated with returning this time, because I did, but I had to let my faith do the work. You know if you stick your hand in the fire and get burned you don't stick you hand in fire again. And as far as I was concerned I had been burned in Africa more than once.  

None of that mattered because I knew there was something for me on the other side of the Atlantic! I could feel it calling me and I knew it was the voice of my destiny. If I had of chosen to stay in the states I would not have started my literacy program for women! What a blessing I would’ve missed out on. Check it out, if I would’ve stayed in the states I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this blog!

I so appreciate being here! I’m thankful for this blessed opportunity and have not taken it for granted. Nothing but GOD! I didn’t plan this, but I desired it before I knew it could be. But I feel as though the womb that holds me is starting to have birth pains. I’m stretching without enough room to stretch my legs and my arms are feeling cramped. This feeling excites me yet makes me feel sad.  Here in the arms of “Mama Africa” is so cozy and warm; I can feel her heart beat. But there’s a rumbling going on, I feel a shift in the atmosphere.

No history post on Friday since this Friday is so Good!
Have a blessed week and I’ll follow up next Monday GOD willing!


  1. another great read...rumbling going on here too, lets see where it takes us God Bless. Anna Ackah

  2. Amen, I'm open to HIS direction for my life!
