Monday, 18 March 2013

What's Been Going On!?

Phew! I finally made it back to you. I’m so thankful and glad for those of you who have been patient with me while I was getting back to 100%. Geez!

1st the Banjul Belly; hope you had time to Google it. Next out of nowhere I started having severe right flank pain, and not sleeping well, yikes! I’m telling you I was feeling, “some how”, as they say here. I waited for a few days to see if it would pass and I had already assessed that t was not a muscular pain. That’s tight I said assessed, remember I’m a nurse, so I actually assessed the pain and other symptoms and went to the pharmacy and got some antibiotics, no prescription needed. Just took my last one a couple of hours ago. Thank GOD HE has truly prepared me for this journey! 

I had to suck it up and keep it moving, but I wasn’t skipping around. I had made a commitment to be a speaker for an event for, “Black History Month” and I wasn’t going to back down. My word is so important for me to keep. When something happens when I don’t it disturbs something deep inside of me. Your word is all you have that can not be taken from you, even after death. Think about it. Even if you can’t speak you still can convey your word, look at Stephen Hawking and so many quotes that we use that are from people long gone. This my 1st invitation to be a speaker and I have had the revelation that this is part of my calling.

To top it off my church here in Gambia, “Abiding Word Ministires”, was having their 1st ever women’s conference and all the women had to sing in the choir. Singing in the choir didn’t help my belly ate all. Although many see me as assertive, some may even say aggressive I’m actually very shy. And singing in public is something I did not do till the 10th of March. I may have mentioned this before, but when I was an adolescent my mother and brother heard me singing and they laughed and made fun of me. It hurt my feelings so bad that I did not sing in front of people till we began our rehearsals. We went to choir rehearsal twice weekly and we did a nice job!  Even though I pulled it off it made me feel, “some how”. I feel awkward when put in the spotlight. GOD is preparing me though, because that’s where HE wants me so my testimony can be heard. It all made me feel so tired.

I’m actually just pulling it back together. Today was my 1st day back in the gym for 8 days! I usually go at least 3 days week. Yes, they have ultra modern gyms here and with free trainers!
I missed you in the midst of it all! I’m going to do a brief recap then move on. I really do hope that you’ve taken this time that I’ve been away to read my previous post that you may have missed.

Okay, Iet’s see:  I was waiting to have the hip replacement surgery I had been pondering and praying about what I was going to do. Stay in Chicago or go back to Africa after I recovered. I finally got my answer and knew I would be going back after the elections if I had progressed enough to walk without support.

I had the sense of unfinished business in Africa so I had to get back to continue my journey. If I didn’t go back I would not have been following the yellow brick road. What I realized was that being here feels like I’m in cocoon: even more so like being in the womb waiting for my time to be born. I feel as though I’m growing, maturing and being nurtured in a way that I didn’t quite feel in the states. 

My vision is clearer and the impossible seems possible as though I can hold it in my hands.

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