Friday, 24 July 2015

Been there, done that!


Well here we are again by GOD’s will and power. Peace and blessings to each and every one of you and may that same peace rest upon your homes and families. I do believe that is one of two things we can agree that we need more of in the world today, peace. Number one is love and if there was more love I do believe peace would abound.

 So, right now as you read this and I’ll do it as I’m writing let us join together where ever you are and whatever you might be doing and just for thirty seconds pray for love and peace for all………………………… Amen!

I must say that these past two weeks have been so much better for me because I’ve been in less pain from my fall over a year ago. Phew, it’s been a long haul, but thanks be to GOD for bringing me through. I’ve been out and about more lately since moving isn’t as big a chore as it had had been these past few months. So while being out and more in the know what I see and hear are familiar acquaintances doing the same things they were doing twenty years ago or better. Huh, what?! Yep, same move and groove.

Now I’m not judging anyone but, wow. I’m far from perfect and I know it! Since I know it I’m open to avenues of growth. I try to listen more and talk less, trust me that’s not easy! But like the old saying goes, “You have two ears and one mouth”. It used to be a time I didn’t really care what others thought of me, but that was a long time ago and yes I’ve grown. In my maturity I want to be a positive influence, an inspiration to others so I do care what others think. You cannot make an impact if people are not willing to listen to you. That’s why I don’t get replaying the past like a worn out cassette tape.

We are never too old or educated to learn and grow. Evolution is part of our very existence! It’s proven that things change and rarely begin and end the same. A baby doesn’t stay a baby; a caterpillar turns into a butterfly and a flower blooms from a bud. Things change and as people so should we, for the better that is. I've not only changed my talk, but also my walk and who I walk with.

Let each of us take a look at ourselves on a regular basis and check ourselves inside and out. Let us be able to put ourselves in check as need be before someone else or GOD checks us. Let’s learn to listen to constructive criticism spoken in love, because those that care about you may be able to see something you can’t. Let us admit our mistakes, understand our weaknesses and take responsibility for our choices and actions. Forgive yourself and others. Don’t be afraid of and to change, often times it’s for the better. Let old wounds close, stop picking at old scars creating new scabs and allow yourself to heal from past hurts, disappointments and failures.

Let us not keep reliving and living in the past and look forward to and embrace our future!         

"The future is so bright I have to wear shades"

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Putting money in your pocket!

Peace and blessings to one and all.

We are to walk in love and be a blessing to one another. Many people say why does GOD do this or doesn’t do that. Well GOD gave mankind dominion and many of those things we’re waiting on or wondering why it hasn’t been done is because it’s up to us. HE put us here for each other.
We all have something to share with each other so this week I’m sharing some valuable information that can save you some money and in some cases put money in your pocket.

The first two pieces of information concern the cost of healthcare whether you have or don’t have health insurance:
  • HELP WITH MEDICATION COST: Most major pharmaceutical companies have programs where they will give you prescribed medications free or at a discounted price, especially if there is no generic form available. Contact the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the medication and they will you send you out a form to complete to qualify for this option. They may even send you free samples with the doctor's prescription and make sure you ask your doctor for free samples.
  • HOSPITAL CHARITY CARE: Most hospitals if not all have charity care. These are funds set aside for those in need. Even if you have insurance and are at a certain income level you can apply for charity care at your hospital once you’ve acquired a bill that you cannot pay. Call the accounting department of the hospital you are indebted to and ask them if it is available and the hospital will send you a form to complete to see if you are eligible.  If you qualify you could end up with zero balance or a reduce amount.
Now this next section has information that concerns housing. The links I’m using are for Illinois, but you can use these links to research similar links and programs in your area.

  • These two links puts many back in your pocket when you buy or use energy efficient appliances and accessories.

  • These next two links are for assistance with paying energy bills if you qualify.

  • This last link is for those in the market to purchase a home. Trust me, there are grants out there to help with your down payment and in some cases pay the entire amount. These grants are available through state and federal government, and in some cases you may qualify for both.

GOD bless you!

Friday, 12 June 2015

Glossophobia, I've got it!

Peace and blessings from Above be yours! So wonderful of you to continue on this journey with me and if you’re a new comer, welcome. I pray that your week was even been more than you expected it to be. I pray that you felt blessed and was a blessing to others. I pray that whatever the circumstances of your week you remained thankful, even if you found yourself in the midst of lack. None of us want to lack anything, but I’ve learned that’s when I grow the most in my faith and wisdom. Thankfulness multiplies itself, just as misery loves company. If we’re thankful for a crumb soon, we find ourselves enjoying a full slice and look forward to the loaf.

Last week I wrote about the important question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Well this post is going in the other direction. I’m going to write about what I said I wouldn’t do when I grew up. Not what I didn’t want to do, but what I said I wouldn’t do. Now that’s pretty brazen for an adult to say and as a child I said it with great defiance.

One thing I said I wouldn’t do was type, LOL, LOL, LOL. How ridiculous to think of that now. If I had stuck to that I would not be communicating with you and so many others now. Something else I said as a child is that I would never do was be was a teacher. It looked difficult then as well as now. I also said that I would not drop out of high school, but did after my freshman year due to a myriad of circumstances. I can go on, but I also said I would not do public speaking.

You see I have mild to moderate Glossophobia. Glossophobia or speech anxiety is the fear of public speaking or of speaking in general. The word glossophobia comes from the Greek glōssa, meaning tongue, and phobos, fear or dread. I’m not alone, over 70% of the population have it, with women having a slight edge over men. Just thinking about it makes my heart race! I get afraid of tripping over my words, stuttering and just being at a loss of what to say. Then it gets personal; suppose they don’t like me or understand what I’m trying to say. Uh, uh, in my mind that’s not for me. Moses of the Bible was like that, he ask GOD to send someone else because he felt slow of speech, so GOD sent Aaron (Moses brother) along with him to be his mouth piece and if you’ve read the Bible you know how that turned out.

So many of those things I said I wouldn’t do with defiance I’ve found myself doing, some of them willingly. Well I’ve realized that GOD has something for me to say and not just to family and friends in comfortable settings, but in unfamiliar territory with strangers. Geez! I’m sweating now just thinking about it. Not only do I have one, but I’ll be speaking on three occasions this month unless GOD decides differently. On two of these occasions I’ll be encouraging others and in doing so I’ll have to testify, expose my struggles. Talking about the struggles is no big deal, especially after publishing my book online, It’s the act of standing in front of strangers talking about whatever.

My Mother once told me to never say never because you don’t know where life will take you or what situation you may find yourself in. Those where pearls of wisdom she gave to me and I’m passing them on to you. Don’t worry about your qualifications, because if GOD has called you to do something HE will qualify you.


Friday, 5 June 2015

The Question!

Here we are again! Peace and blessings to you, your homes and families. I hope you are basking in GOD’s love for you and living in gratitude no matter the situation. Now I know for many that may be easier said than done, but when you have overcome as many adversities as I have you learn to be grateful and hopeful no matter what. I hope your week has been pleasant and that you’ve had a chance to be a blessing to someone else.

Last week in my post, “You’re the Hero” I touched on the power of women. I want to talk about that a little more, but we’re not going to stay on that point. When I was teen/pre-teen I said to myself that one day I would have an organization to help girls and women. I said it because I was going through so much alone and I knew that if I was feeling that way, it had to be other girls in the same situation. There’s always, always someone around to tell you the wrong thing or lead you astray, but very few to offer loving constructive criticisms. The same thing applies for adult females. Many so called girlfriends fail to give positive corrective, even directive information to each other. Many choose to just give a nod or high five and tell the other party what they want to hear. I don’t want any girlfriends or acquaintances like that. If my clothes, behavior, or relationships are out of order I want the kind of women around me that can be the neck in our friendship and help me see me.

So I guess that brings me to our point of thought this week, motivation and inspiration. So often, too often individuals and groups of people are looking to be lead. What’s so troubling is that many of those looking for a leader don’t have a destination in mind, they just want to be lead away from where they’re at or a situation they may be living in. If you must choose a leader you better make sure you understand their game plan and destination or else you can end up drinking from a cup that can be the death of you spiritually, mentally and even physically.

One of the most important questions that was ever asked of me was when I was less than seven years old. I was asked: “What do you want to be when you grow up”? Wow! That’s a big question for a kid, but it opened my mind to wonder and ponder that question. I probably gave a childlike answer like princess, ballerina or cowgirl, but I seriously began to wonder and pandered that question. What a motivating and inspiring question. I remember when I asked my children the same question and the amazement in their eyes as they began to wonder themselves.

That’s where it all starts, motivation and inspiration that is. A simple question. I find that many parents don’t ask their children that question, probably because nobody asked them. It’s never too late though to ask someone that question, it could change their life. Once we grasp the power that we possess we all will begin to realize and recognize we are all leaders, some great some small, but a leader none the less.   

It’s our words and deeds that can and will move mountains! We can move them for ourselves and others by being encouraging and motivating. We should strive to inspire others in a loving and positive way. Stop the back biting, gossiping and pulling another down. Learn to be humble and not always right. And for the sake of the innocent please stop the violence! All this negative energy is messing with the atmosphere. Probably at the root of climate change!

Be a light or beacon to someone. Change your attitude and walk in love and you’ll see that love come back to you. IJS   
Do it with Love!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

You're the Hero!

Hey there, peace and blessings to one and all. I pray that you are safe, hopeful and spreading GOD’s love as well as receiving it! Thank GOD I was able to move into a smaller brace today on my right ankle, downsizing from the DME Boot I’ve been wearing for the past 4 weeks. Whoohoo!

In the last two postings to my blog I explained my why I had not posted since last October and I hope you understand and accept my sincere apology for the inconsistent post. Prayerfully now I can get back on track with filling you in on this journey.

In fact it seems like so much in my life slowed down, almost stopped during this process of healing. When just about every step you take is painful you tend to move only when necessary and that’s a downer. My motivation and creativity seemed to hide on a shelf that was very difficult for me to reach, even on my tippy toes. Don’t worry, I didn’t get hooked on pain pills, even though they are readily available. To me they only dull your brain and not the pain.
Moving forward, and remember that’s what we always want to do. No going back!

In the post that proceeded my hiatus, “It’s in Your Power” I talked about your power in GOD to see beyond your situation and the power of your credit score! But today we going to take it in a different direction. Believe me if you don’t know your power, give it away or are unable to control it, well then you are a slave to whatever and whoever. You’ll find yourself blaming others, situations and things for you mistakes or lack. Many of us are giving our power away freely these days as if it’s nothing important. Today I want to talk about the power of the neck, woman.

Woman, the neck that turns the head! There’s another expression, “Behind every great man there’s a great woman”! When women talk men listen, that’s it in the nutshell. Look what happened to Adam, Samson, and even Solomon, supposedly the wisest man. They all listened to women and it changed the course of history, our very lives. Now we can debate this if you’d like, but this is my opinion with truth and facts woven into its being.

I’m going to tell you now my female readers this may hurt, in many cases the truth does.  While assessing what’s going on in society today I see where we as women have dropped the ball. Yep, I said it and will stand by it. Especially when I look at how so many so called men behave these days. As a community and individually we complain about the males with their pants hanging down, men not working while sitting at home playing video games and so forth and so on. We also complain how men view women as objects and how disrespectful some can be. Yet so many women accepted the term “baby’s momma”, while being demoted from the mother of my child. Now which one has a more significant sound, baby mama or the mother of my child? When I first heard the expression I just knew it would be a fly by night saying and yet here in 2015 it’s become a mainstream term.

Ladies, we’ve got to tighten up! If we didn’t allow our sons to wear their pants down or bring men into our homes with their pants down trust me they’d pull them up. In my thinking, if you require more you’ll get more, but it seems these days so many females are playing limbo, how low can you go. Not I’m far from perfect and have made some mistakes, but like I said earlier we should always move forward and not backward.

Even when I did dirt I didn’t do it in front of my kids when they were around. I didn’t want them to pick up my unfruitful ways so I’d put my best foot forward. Now nothings hidden, the cursing, frequently changing partners, just any form of vulgarity is done in front of and to children, and yet we expect them excel. That’s like telling someone to drive the car while their sitting on a tricycle.

I’m not looking down on anyone because I know it can be rough, but we’re the only ones that can smooth out the roughness. No one is coming to the rescue. It’s not “their” problem and nobody can fix us as individuals but GOD and we ourselves. If we want change it’s us ladies that have to bring it about.  We’ve got to learn to close our legs and open my minds. Close our doors to drama and pick up a helpful book. Raise our children instead of raising hell. Accept and acknowledge this is on us, pull up the big girls panties and nurture ourselves, families and communities.  
Are you a Superwoman?

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Don't Let the 1st Step Stop You!

Peace and blessings to one and all! Thanks for joining me along this journey. I do pray that my journey is an inspiration to others and that the information I share enriches you or someone you may know. I pray that GOD’s light shines through my words and that darkness flees as you embrace that light.

Last week I left off at that horrific fall that more than proved that I’m not double jointed as I slid down those stairs like I was coming hot into home base. It’s amazing how many and how fast things can go through your mind in the midst of any traumatic event.  I could go on about that, but let’s get back to where I left off last week.
Anyway, I chuckled at my situation and hoped no one came along until I got it together. I would’ve been embarrassed if someone would’ve seen me like that. Now isn’t that backwards? Our pride can be a terrible thing. 

As I looked around for my purse I began to map out in my mind how to position myself to stand while at the same time grab my purse that had flown out of reach. There was only one handrail that I could grab on to and geez, it was on the wrong side. Thank GOD my arms weren’t hurt I thought to myself as I grab the hand railing with my left hand to pull and with my right hand I push myself onto my feet with most of my weight on my left leg. I was up, yay! My right leg hurt from the toes on up! I bent over with a stretch and grabbed my purse before trying to take a step so I could have my phone to call 911 just in case. I slowly shifted some of my weight onto my right leg and let go of the railing. Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My door was only a couple of steps away. Now that I could stand the greatest test was could I walk. At first I was afraid to take a step because I knew my leg could be broken, but I had to fight the pain and try to take those steps to get inside. I also knew that if it was broken and I tried to walk on it I could cause some more serious damage. I prayed and thanked GOD for blessing me because I could’ve been hurt beyond what I was experiencing. I fished my keys from the right pocket of my coat and took a small step with my left leg leading. OUCH!!!!!! Keeping as much weight as possible off my right leg I made it inside. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, is all I could say!

I said all that to update you on why I have been absent from my blog since October 4, 2014. I fell 7 months prior to this and had really been trying to deal with the pain and discomfort. I’ve been through so much in life that all I know how to do is keep it moving, but posting in my blog was something I had to put on hold.  

I’m still recovering from that fall and since I stopped posting last October I’ve had three rounds of physical therapy, soon to begin the fourth and two surgeries. A torn meniscus and broken cartilage in my right knee and what they thought was a severe sprain to my right ankle turned out to be torn tendon and ligament damage to my right ankle. Well the cast is off and stitches are out, but I still have to wear a “Robocop” looking boot when I walk, but I’m thankful to be on the mend.

Hopefully the severity of the situation has passed and my words begin to flow again like a sweet melody.


Monday, 11 May 2015

Leg Behind My Head!

Peace and blessings to one and all!

0ctober 3, 2014 was the last time I posted in my blog. It’s been hard to sit down and write these past few months, but I have not forgotten those that follow my blog and may have wondered what kept me away. GOD bless each and every one of you!
When I write I want to give you that part of me that is singing, no matter the melody. I stopped singing. There was only one note that droned on and on. I prefer to let my words flow like water from my spirit and treasures from my mind when I write. These last few months have been a bit much. It actually all started over a year ago now. March 6, 2014 to be exact!

What happened on that day at that time you may be wondering? I fell! Yep, slipped down the icy back stairs to my unit like I was sliding into home base. Ouch! After I finally landed at the foot of the stairs I was afraid to move.  I knew I had a little shock going on, but I was in survival mode. It was freezing outside, so I knew I couldn’t just lay there. On my way down I heard a loud pop and when I looked at my legs, my right leg was bent all the way behind and under me from the knee down. I didn’t see any blood so I knew it was still attached although it didn’t look like it because of its’ weird position. I was afraid to straighten it out for fear of what I’d see. I hate hysterics so I wasn’t about to start screaming or boohooing, at least out loud. I kept my calm because I had to.

Thank GOD I am a nurse! As I began to assess myself and my situation I knew the first thing I had to do was examine my right leg. That meant straightening it out from its contorted position. Uh oh, I thought as I readjusted my body off my leg and began to unfold it to its correct position. It hurt everywhere! Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry I kept telling myself.

I’m so sure that I’ve had to put my “big girl panties” on so much that they are iron by now. I wasn’t sure that the tears that started to flow were from the pain I was feeling physically or emotionally. You know that feeling I’m sure because we’re human, you just get tired sometimes. Tired of going through stuff. Even Superman had a retreat, Batman had Wayne Manor and Jesus, yes He did weep as well.
At any rate I couldn’t lay there and cry I had to keep it moving. I had to begin the process of going through, whatever that would be. I looked down at my leg and didn’t see any bones protruding. I felt it with both hands from ankle to hip and didn’t feel anything out of place so I thanked GOD. I wiped my eyes and looked around for my purse as I stalled for I knew what the next step was. I needed to see if I could stand. Stand in order to see if I could walk and to get my butt off those freezing concrete stairs. I also needed to get my purse that had flown out of arm’s reach so I could get my cell phone in case I needed to call an ambulance.

Ok, here goes let’s see if I can stand………………………………………………………………………….

To be continued!